Good morning friends! I was taking a little bit of a break from work this morning to make some pasta salad to have for lunch, and I realized that most of my measuring cups(except for my trusty Pyrex one) have somehow magically disappeared. So I've been surfing the net looking for new ones, because unfortunately, unlike some people, I've never been very good at the "pinch of this" or "handful of that" style of measuring, especially with baking. I've received family recipes over the last few years that have been like that...add a dash of this, or just enough to flavor, or my favorite: "add flour by the handful until dough is soft and a light cream color". Now seriously-define "soft and light cream colored"? huh? What if the recipe writer was colorblind? What if her definition of "light cream colored" was the color of real cream(the kind that floats on top of unhomogenized milk) and my definition of "light cream" is an ecru color?
Sorry for getting off topic with that rant. Anyway, back to the topic at hand....measuring cups. I was surfing the net for interesting measuring cups, and I came across some interesting examples. I thought I would share a few of my favorites.

These I may just have to get for my mom for Christmas. They are M-Cups matryoshka doll measuring cups from
They accurately measure 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 and 1 full cup. Great piece of kitsch for a small kitchen, since they stack and store just like real matryoshka dolls!
These little beauties are my absolute favorites. They're from Anthropologie. They are made out of stoneware, and pretty enough to keep on your counter. Downside is, stoneware breaks and chips so easily. Upside is...well....they're cute. They come in sizes 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, and 1 cup.
I thought this measuring cup was just fun. It's designed by Harry White, and I found it on . So if you ever wondered how much volume a t-rex brain had, now you know.
I am going to continue my hunt for cool measuring cups this afternoon; right now I feel like I actually need to do some more productive work, and enjoy the fact that the thundershower that's fixing to blow through will do most of my garden watering for me today, and top off my rain barrel.this evening, I'm going to try a new stuffed chicken recipe; I will post the results of my experiment here later for you all to either enjoy, or laugh at. Bye for now!
Those stoneware measuring cups are to die for! Nice blog.
I meant to post the link for them....I found them at
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